Tuesday, 29 May 2012

I've been taking pictures from a few different positions all through the seasons, which will hopefully result in some kind of successful project at the end of the year. So here's a couple for you now. Comparing January to now is making me come over all nostalgic for a fresher swim! I like being able to swim for longer now, but I'm not getting the same rush that I need to wake up in the morning.


  1. This is fantastic! What a change. Keep up the good work!

  2. Wow. It's like looking at those 'era' shots... but maybe I'm just being fooled by the winter ones being in black + white... umm, probably ;) K

  3. Gorgeous! Those winter ones aren't even shot in b&w. You forget how devoid of colour the winter can be. x

  4. OMG... you're right! ha! funny and embarrassing ;)
