Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Sunny mornings

Another gorgeous morning, I don't mind if rains all day, as long as it's sunny when I'm at the pond!

Friday, 21 September 2012


There was a lot of talk about the signets at the pond yesterday, I took the top picture just before I arrived for my swim, and by the time I'd got changed they were putting on a bit of a show, flying round the pond and practicing their landing skills. It was all great to watch, so I chose to enjoy the moment rather than try and get the perfect shot! Maybe next time.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Sunny mornings

We've been having a few gorgeous mornings this week, the air temperature is going down, and the water has a nice freshness to it, it's been pretty much perfect really. Another degree or two drop in the pond with some more sunny mornings please.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Dan?! Dan!

I realised I've been letting you down by not posting much over the last few weeks. I've had the odd complaint, so I'm going to try and post a pic a day, or at least a pic per visit to the pond, so hopefully at least four a week. Here's Dan diving in a couple of days ago.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Long time no see

So it's been a while since I posted any pics, apologies for the slackness pond fans, I'm sure you've all been desperate!  My summer holiday slowed my momentum somewhat, and I've only really been taking new pictures for the blog over the last week or so.
Beautiful weather last week which inspired me to find a new angle or two. If I'm going to keep this interesting for as long as I swim in the ponds (until my dying day since you ask), I'll need to keep trying  something different.  Hope you're all still enjoying them.