Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Leap year

I don't want to start any trouble between the jumpers and those that get in at the steps, but this has got to be best way to get in the pond, especially in a leap year. Although having said that personally I prefer a dive, but the result is the same, getting it over with as quickly as possible!
A special mention for Wilder, bravely going for it after a week in sunnier climes.

Friday, 24 February 2012


A couple of weeks back, Hatt Reiss was at the pond shooting some video and talking to some of the regulars and she was kind enough to send me the clip below. Very nice it is too. She's making a film about the pond and I think she'll be putting it online when it's finished, so hopefully I can link to and we can all see it. Thank you Hatt.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Back up to 2c

I was running late this morning, so I didn't have much time to take pictures, but a quick shot of the chalkboard out by the lifeguards hut is always a good idea.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Bloody cold this morning!

Ouch it was cold in the pond today, I arrived to find a nearly deserted changing area instead of the normally bustling hive of activity. Surely this couldn't be just because it was a bit chilly? Well I'm pleased to say I was joined by others fairly quickly, honorable mentions to Oliver, Gavin, Geoff & Patrick.
A very quick swim with my 5m gloves was extremely bracing to say the least, who'd of thought 1 degree or so would make that much difference? My fingers were still freezing despite the gloves, and no bucket of warm water today :(

Sunday, 5 February 2012

What a treat.

So these are hopelessly out of date now we've had some snow! But the other day was the first bit of proper ice we've had, and we also had the amazing treat of a bucket of warm water to take the chill off (courtesy of Terry). In fact it was treats all round, as the diving board was closed we were allowed to go off the high jetty. A lovely morning at the pond.
Looking forward to a snowy one tomorrow.